Hi there 🙂

I have attached a copy of the notes I took while watching the final scene of “Whale Rider” (Y11 English task 03/09/09).

The notes are by no means complete or comprehensive, they are simply my observations in the four key areas we looked at in class.

Some important things to remember for your exam are:

Films are constructed using everything from characters, costume, setting, film techniques (camera shots, camera movement), dialogue and themes to convey MEANING and to have an AFFECT on the audience.

We need to closely analyse film to see what the director is doing both VISUALLY and VERBALLY within the film and what the intended message is behind these choices.

You need to refer directly to EXAMPLES from the film that highlight the aspect you are talking about – might be related to characters, themes or film techniques etc. used throughout.

REMEMBER film study is not a novel study – you must consider the visual aspects of the film, as this is what sets the medium apart.

Best of luck for your study and exam.

Miss Mac 🙂

Whale Rider Close viewing example