Archive for November, 2010

More unfamiliar text activities…

Hi Year 11,

I just found this website which looks helpful for your unfamiliar text standard. The focus is developing your close reading skills (which is exactly what unfamiliar text requires).

I hope you are all studying hard but that you also feel prepared for next week!

Year 11 last minute help…


Hi Year 11…

I just thought I would post with a helpful website you might like to visit which covers all the achievement standards providing you with tips and tricks for revision, writing essays, unfamiliar texts, pretty much everything! A great resource for you if you are needing clarification, advice or you want to do some more practise.

Hello Year 9,

I have inserted some resources on this post that you can click on and access from home. There are a number of resources here to help you with language techniques/devices for your literary essays, poetry and static image sections. There are also some handouts here regarding the PEDAL model and the power point presentation you were shown in class at the end of last week and the beginning of this week.

Make sure you write practice essays at home and study the terms for success in the exam. We have covered a lot of information this year and you have developed a number of skills. It is important for you to spend the time studying now so that you feel prepared for your exam.

It is time for you to step up the challenge and do your best in these exams. No one can make you learn, you must be a willing participant. Feel free to ask any questions you may have, but bear in mind the best thing you can do for yourself now is sit down, write essays, read the feedback you have received throughout the year and take it on board, and know your text and language techniques/devices very well!

Practice makes perfect.

LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES/DEVICES essential terms for Reading unfamiliar text

HOLES Language technique mix and match

POETRY language techniques mix and match

POETRY terms

The PEDAL model for writing body paragraphs

9ENG steps towards success – power point presentation

Static images visual techniques

Labyrinth Film feature effects jumble

film techniques match and draw

Example PEDAL paragraph (film)

Static image Terminology